Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Over the past couple of weeks I have been sending out to the APEX team things I am thankful for each day. The list is immense of all the things that we ALL can be thankful for...and I have only touched the surface as I have covered family, Mr. Randal, APEX team, food, shelter, clothes, health, job, Sundays, etc...

On October 3, 1789 George Washington issued the nation's first presidential proclamation in which he called the nation to set aside a day for giving thanks to that "great and glorious Being who is the beneficient author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be...".

President Washington also added the follow words:

"Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor..."

So, I think the biggest question today on November 25, 2009 is..."AM I THANKFUL?".

If you are reading this, God has given you life, health, eyesight, breath, food, a computer (lol). What would you pay for any one of those items (ok, exclude the computer).

They are invaluable and can't be bought...can't be bartered for...they are GIVEN by the MERCY of God.

I know I can be an Award Winning Critic. I can point out what isn't right, where it needs to improve, what needs to change. Sometimes this is needed to get be the BEST!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving which allows me to focus on all of the many blessings that, as GW said, "is our duty to acknowledge". a follower of Christ, there is so much more of Eternal Significance to be thankful for...heaven, grace, peace, joy, inheritance as an "heir of Christ", and the presence of the One who has given, is giving and will give us all that we have.

What a reason to celebrate this year. Don't miss the moment with busyness, but enjoy this thanksgiving and, above all, "be thankful".


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