Friday, September 11, 2009

WHY This Blog?

Ok, so thanks to my wonderfully talented oldest daughter (Lauren), I now have a BLOG. Woo hoo. I guess that makes me a "Blogger" which is better than a "Logger" I guess. As I have thought about this, the first question I had to answer is, "why in the world would you want to have a blog?". Only interesting people like Bro. Matt or Bro. Mark or philosphers have a blog.

Well, to tell you the truth, it first came up when I was talking to our APEX attorney about how to handle prayer requests and religious type stuff for our Company. Of course, I really don't think too much about that...everyone knows APEX is a company that exists only because of God's blessing, and we try to operate it in a way that brings Him honor and glory. started me thinking about being a "Blogger" (what a cool word...since I have reached my 40's I feel like some days I am just "blogging" along...).

Anyway, not sure which direction this will go, but hey...I have started everything I have ever done without really knowing how it will go. Gotta have Faith! So if you have a prayer request, a comment, a word of encouragement or, like I am sure I will be sometimes...just feel like being CRAZY...then throw it on here!

Well, today is 9/11...a day that we all remember. I was reminded this morning of Matthew Henry's quote, "who can tell what the day may bring that begins with a bright morning?" and of the Psalmist words that were memorialized in that great kids song which reminds us that "This is the day that the LORD has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it".

Today is a great day, a day of opportunity no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in because it is a day we have been do GREAT things...or to waste. What shall we do?

Blessed to be a blessing,



  1. It is truely a blessing to know that there are other soldiers on this battlefield for the lord our savor. For the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. I love the Lord with my every being.It gets hard when you are a christian living in a world such as we do but to God be the glory. Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after rightousness for the shall be filled......

    Be blessed & keep trusting in God
    Dawunna Wilson (stuttgart)

  2. Tim,
    This is your best post ever. LOL! Anyway I look forward to reading your stuff. God bless.

    Mark Sandy

  3. My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R! My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R! Oh, I love to eat it every day and if you asked me why, I'll sayyyy, "Cause Oscar Mayer has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a."

    Just felt like being crazy, and I followed your advice.
