Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Baseball Season

Ok, so it is that time of the year...a hint of Spring in the air and the sound of baseballs whizzing through the air and smacking the mitt. Ah...a great time. Thank God for kids, that allow us to "be kids" again...ha.

If you click on the heading you should get a link of a game announcement for Lyon vs ASU...shows Josh striking out a guy from a previous game this year. Gotta love that!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tebow..."A Means to an End"

I am continually amazed at Tim Tebow and his steadfastness, vision and integrity as a young person who is under intense scrutiny from the media as they HOPE THAT HE FAILS.

My favorite comment from this article is: "The NFL is not the end for me; it is a means to an end. It gives me a platform to make a difference, hopefully, for the next generation".

Tim Tebow...may you stand firm and become the greatest quarterback of all times...SO THAT...God may receive the glory.

Blessed to be a blessing,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Trunk, A Roller Bag, A Carry On and a Back Pack

You ever thought about what you would do for God?

I mean like...REALLY thought about it?

Take a look around at all the "stuff" that you prize, that you value, that you love. That 52" flat screen (ok I'm dreaming here), the truck with the heated seats, the "chair" (you guys know what I mean), your books (ok alot of you guys don't know what I mean here), your house, golf clubs, fishing stuff, hunting stuff (yes, hunting stuff), cool John Deere lawn mower, 43 purses, pictures, piano, bedroom suite that took the wife six months to pick out and then find just the right stuff to go with it and all those special things that you have worked so hard for and EARNED!

Ok so you got that? Let's expand it a little. How about your kids stuff? Their collection of stuffed animals, all those shoes, shoes, shoes (if you have girls), xbox live, wii, super nintendo, four wheelers, bicycles, basketball goal, closet full of toys, rock collection (ha), white wicker bedroom furniture, camo bedding and beautiful mount of that first duck or deer killed. Oh yes, and clothes....clothes for church, clothes for school, hot weather clothes, cold weather clothes, gloves, caps, scarfs, winter coats, fall coats, warm socks, cool socks, dresses, jeans, slacks, ties (well, maybe not ties), and on and on.

Got your arms around your family's stuff? Let's think a little broader than that. Picture your best friend in the entire world...or your 3 best friends (if you are that lucky). Think about your friends at church, from ball games, from work, from just around town. How about family? Got any family? Think about them...grandmas, grandpas, dads and moms, paw paws and maw maws, aunts and uncles,

Oh yes and lest I forget...think about all that STUFF that we ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY MUST DO with our kids. You know what I mean. Stuff that they can't live without. Stuff that defines who they are. Stuff that occupies every empty space on our calendar. Yep...that's it...sports. Baseball games, basketball games, softball games, football games, cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, recitals...stuff that rules our lives...our children's lives...that becomes our FOCUS.

But, doesn't it all become our FOCUS...the STUFF? got the picture? So, select from that the choicest items. The real valuables. Those things that you can fit into "A Trunk, A Roller Bag, A Carry On, and a Back Pack".

Select them carefully. The rest you will leave behind. What would you take?

Better yet, what would you need to fulfill God's purpose for your life?

I have watched and listened again this week with my family and saw and heard their thoughts as another set of our friends has turned all their "STUFF" over to the Master. The Master...who has called them to go to another part of the world to tell the Good News of Jesus Christ...who has called them, just like He called the first disciples in Matthew 4, to abandon it all for the sake of the call (a great 4Him song). The Master...who has asked them to take all their "STUFF"...and narrow it down to A Trunk, A Roller Bag, A Carry On and a Back Pack...and begin an adventure with Him...for Him...for those that haven't heard.

Could you do it?

Russ and Jennifer...Emily and Kate and Sarah are. James and Marci...Taylor, Emily and Micah have. Could you? Could I?

As my daughter Abby watched Emily and Kate sort through their stuffed animals, their shoes (especially their shoes) she expressed with sad honesty what many of us would say if we told the truth, "I couldn't do that".

But couldn't we really? Couldn't we give up this STUFF which fades so quickly for the Kingdom...for the King...for the One who gave it ALL for us...who stepped down from the riches of Heaven to live as a servant and die a bloody, cruel death. Couldn't we?

Couldn't we if we trusted Phillipians 4:13 which we all love to claim when we need help?

Couldn't we if we could just catch a glimpse of who God really is?

I believe we could.

Let's not hold so tightly to the stuff...and hold more tightly to the promises of God and His plan for our lives. Thanks Russ, Jennifer, James and Marci for reminding us of the truly important things in life...God's will and God's plan for us and our children.

You can do it with only a little STUFF...enough to fit in A Trunk, A Roller Bag, A Carry On and a Back Pack.

Blessed to be a blessing,


Friday, April 2, 2010

Let's Celebrate...

There is a great old Michael English song that says, "there's gonna be a PARTY...up in Heaven"...well, I agree, that there "is gonna" and "already is" a party in Heaven. Because of Christ...the conquering Rescuer who has conqured death, hell and the grave, who has bridged the cavernous gap of sin that separated us from the Father, who has paid what we could not pay and done what we could not do.

The Resurrection of our Savior should cause Celebration...the Resurrection of our Saviour should cause Commitment...the Resurrection of our Savior should cause us to us to have a Concern that the Good News is spread around the world. Do we?

In my daily devotional from the late great Dr. Adrian Rogers, I think he sums it up very well. Check it out:

Isaiah 53:4-5 - “Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.”

Jesus Christ did not die as a martyr or a helpless victim. He said, “I lay down my life, No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself.” (John 10:17-18) The cross was not an accident or an afterthought; it was in the heart and mind of God before the world was framed. Jesus was born in the shadow of the cross. John the Baptist announced, “Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world.” The Lamb of God died on the same day as the Passover lambs were being slain on Mount Moriah, the very place where long ago God told Abraham, “God will provide Himself a lamb.” Jesus said, “Abraham saw My day, and was glad.” (John 8:56) To the priests on Mount Moriah, He could say, “Your work is over. Put away your knives. We need no more lambs, no more sacrifices. The Lamb has died and has paid in full.”

Take time today to meditate upon the price that was paid for your salvation. Read Matthew chapters 26 and 27. Thank Him for the price that was paid.

Have a HAPPY Easter, because He lives...


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Excitement of Christmas

Fianlly today...rather tonight, that is, I am EXCITED about the coming of Christmas for the right reason.
I must confess that in the busyness of this time of the year, as a CEO of a retail company, I have let my excitement about the coming of Christmas be too focused on the reason that SALES GO UP! A cell phone under every tree...stockings full of accessories...direcTV and high speed internet for all! Sales, Sales, Sales!!!
Tonight as our Worship band played at Church the words to the song, "Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the King" my oldest son came in from college and gave me a long anticipated I read a Christmas story with my 8 year I stopped and took time to read David Jeremiahs, "The 12 Ways of Christmas" and as I stopped to read my favorite story...the story of the REAL Excitement of Christmas...

7And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. 10But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:7-11).

A Savior, a Gift from God; A Savior who is Christ; A Savior to Redeem the World; A Savior to give us Hope; A Savior God with us; A Savior...the Good News of Angels...the Good News of Heaven...the Good News from God...the Good News for US!!!

So...let us remember...and let us CELEBRATE the Excitement of Christmas, not in our trinkets or gifts or decorations or lights or Sales or even time with families, but let us celebrate the REAL GOOD NEWS...a Savior, Christ the Lord. It is the only reason that will last...forever.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Over the past couple of weeks I have been sending out to the APEX team things I am thankful for each day. The list is immense of all the things that we ALL can be thankful for...and I have only touched the surface as I have covered family, Mr. Randal, APEX team, food, shelter, clothes, health, job, Sundays, etc...

On October 3, 1789 George Washington issued the nation's first presidential proclamation in which he called the nation to set aside a day for giving thanks to that "great and glorious Being who is the beneficient author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be...".

President Washington also added the follow words:

"Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor..."

So, I think the biggest question today on November 25, 2009 is..."AM I THANKFUL?".

If you are reading this, God has given you life, health, eyesight, breath, food, a computer (lol). What would you pay for any one of those items (ok, exclude the computer).

They are invaluable and can't be bought...can't be bartered for...they are GIVEN by the MERCY of God.

I know I can be an Award Winning Critic. I can point out what isn't right, where it needs to improve, what needs to change. Sometimes this is needed to get be the BEST!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving which allows me to focus on all of the many blessings that, as GW said, "is our duty to acknowledge". a follower of Christ, there is so much more of Eternal Significance to be thankful for...heaven, grace, peace, joy, inheritance as an "heir of Christ", and the presence of the One who has given, is giving and will give us all that we have.

What a reason to celebrate this year. Don't miss the moment with busyness, but enjoy this thanksgiving and, above all, "be thankful".


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Happened to October?

Wow...have you ever been SOOOOO busy that you lost a month? Now that I am 40 something I lose lots of stuff? Where are those keys? The other sock (who is that one legged guy that gets in the dryer and steals ONE of each of my socks anyway?). And the remote control...gee, they need a clapper for that thing! Anyway, just looking back at my last blog post from SEPTEMBER and it occurred to me that I "lost" October.

That seems a little more auspicious than a sock or keys or the Power (that's what we call the remote) lose a month? Wow. Ok, so I suppose I didn't "lose" it, but it was certainly BUSY! No time for facebook, twitter or blogs. Just the basics man, just the basics.

But hey, October was a family milestone. Our firstborn, Lauren, our "little bitty", turned 21 a couple of weeks ago. Seems like just a little while ago when we were reading books together at bedtime, getting her tucked in just right (it was a ritual requiring perfection), dropping her off at Kindergarten and watching her backpack almost touch the ground, hugs, laughter, piano, and...of course...watching Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and friends OVER and OVER and OVER!!! It was the best of times...

Now we are at that 21 "adultish" stage (albeit still on the family payroll...grin), where it is cell phone calls, emails, lunches, text messages, brief trips home and PRAYER!!! Quite different for a dad that still thinks of her in much smaller terms. Much joy has Lauren Elisabeth brought into our lives...may God continue to bless her and guide her every step of the way.

Alright enough rambling...time to move to the present, to of my very favorite of times as we get together with families and count the millions of reasons why we are thankful. A tradition we intend to start this year is the "Thanksgiving Tablecloth". Essentially it is a white tablecloth (or any light color will work), where we will each write the things we are thankful for this year. Then, each year we will add to it. Wished we had done it years ago. The list would be LONG!!!

Be thankful!
